SUKKOT (and shabbat chol hamoed sukkot)
10/03/2017 11:09:07 PM
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Schedule for Sukkot, First Days
Wednesday, October 4
6:34 PM - Latest Candle Lighting
6:30 PM - Mincha - 125 Coltrane
6:50 PM - Class
7:25 PM - Maariv
Thursday, October 5
9:15 AM - Shacharis (Latest Shema 10:12 AM) - 125 Coltrane
Kiddush 12:15 PM
Sponsored by Dave & Raquel Levine in honor of Raquel's birthday. You are a wonderful mother, amazing wife and incredible person. Mazel Tov, may you live a blessed life to 120.
Afternoon Schedule
6:35 PM - Mincha - 125 Coltrane
6:50 PM - Class
7:35 PM - Maariv
7:51 PM - Earliest Candle Lighting
Friday, October 6
9:15 AM - Shacharis (Latest Shema 9:59 AM) - 125 Coltrane
Kiddush 12:15 PM
Sponsored by Rabbi & Orit Sizer in honor of the memories of Shmuel Yaakov ben Shimon, Shimon ben Shmuel and Mircha bas Dovid.
Afternoon Schedule
6:30 PM - Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat/Maariv - 125 Coltrane
Please ensure to make an "Eiruv Tavshilin" before Yom Tov begins. For details please click here.
Please ensure to bring your own lulav and etrog the for first 2 days of Sukkot.
For more info and ideas about Sukkot, please click here.
Schedule for Shabbat Chol HaMoed Sukkot
Friday, October 6
6:31 PM - Candle Lighting (earliest - 5:37 PM)
6:30 PM - Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat - 125 Coltrane
Shabbat, October 7
9:00 AM - Morning Services (Latest Shema, 10:13 AM)
Class Schedule
10:30 AM - 11:45 AM - Class with Mark Halpern, "Making Beginnings Easy" in the Kiddush Room
Kiddush 12:00pm
Sponsored by Darryl & Nikki cohen in honour of Danielle's birthday! Happy birthday Danielle, you continue to be a tremendous source of nachas to us. We are grateful to Hashem for blessing us with a daughter with such special middot. Love, Mom and Dad.
Afternoon Schedule
4:30 PM - Sukkah Hop, see flier below
6:10 PM - Mincha/Afternoon services - 125 Coltrane
6:35 PM - Seudat Shlishit - 125 Coltrane
7:32 PM - Maariv/Evening services - 125 Coltrane
7:37 PM - Shabbat Ends
Schedule for Chol HaMoed Sukkot
Monday, October 9
8:00 PM - Torah 2.0 for registrants at the Krokotsky Sukkah - 2 Noam Court
9:00 PM - Maariv - 2 Noam Court
9:15 PM - 'Simchat Beit HaShoeiva'- Communal Sukka Party at the Krokotsky Sukkah - 2 Noam Court
Schedule for Shemini Atzeret
Wednesday, October 11
6:22 PM - Candle Lighting
6:20 PM - Mincha - 125 Coltrane
6:40 PM - Class
7:10 PM - Maariv
Thursday, October 12
9:15 AM - Shacharis (Latest Shema 9:54 AM) - 125 Coltrane
10:35 AM - Yizkor (approx.)
Kiddush 12:15 PM
Sponsored by Howie & Amanda Frenkel in honor of our 9 year anniversary which has brought us 3 wonderful kids, joyous memories and countless blessings.
Schedule for Simchat Torah
Thursday, October 12
6:20 PM - Mincha - Stephen Lewis Secondary School
6:35 PM - Auction
7:15 PM - Maariv
7:30 PM - Dancing/Hakafot; hot food and refreshments sponsored by Terry & Taryn Kukle and Jay & Jenn Feldman in honor of Terry's birthday
7:38 PM - Earliest Candle Lighting
Friday, October 13
9:00 AM - Shacharis (Latest Shema 9:53 AM) - 125 Coltrane
Kiddush 12:00 PM
Sponsored by Alex & Shauna Argueta in honor of our son Benyamin Yitzchak! Happy 1st birthday from Mami, Papi, Abuelito and Abuelita. May Hashem bless you with wisdom, happiness and health.
Afternoon Schedule
6:15 PM - Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat/Maariv - 125 Coltrane
Please ensure to make an "Eiruv Tavshilin" before Yom Tov begins. For details please click here.
For more info and ideas about Sukkot, please click here.
Sun, December 22 2024
21 Kislev 5785
Today's Calendar
Earliest Tallis and Tefillin : 6:51am |
Friday Night
Earliest Candle-lighting : 3:52pm |
Mincha : 4:30pm |
Candle Lighting : 4:30pm |
Shabbos Day
Shacharis : 9:00am |
Latest Shema : 10:05am |
Mincha : 4:15pm |
Havdalah : 5:38pm |
Maariv : 5:38pm |
This week's Torah portion is Parshas Miketz
Shabbos, Dec 28 |
Candle Lighting
Friday, Dec 27, 4:30pm |
Motzei Shabbos, Dec 28, 5:38pm |
Erev Chanukah
Wednesday, Dec 25 |
Morning learning for men with Rabbi MAndel
Alos Hashachar | 6:16am |
Earliest Tallis | 6:51am |
Netz (Sunrise) | 7:50am |
Latest Shema | 10:03am |
Zman Tefillah | 10:48am |
Chatzos (Midday) | 12:17pm |
Mincha Gedola | 12:39pm |
Mincha Ketana | 2:53pm |
Plag HaMincha | 3:49pm |
Shkiah (Sunset) | 4:44pm |
Tzais Hakochavim | 5:34pm |
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